Custom Anytone D878UV Boot Screen

If you want to customize the boot screen on the 878, it’s quite simple to do with your favorite image editor.

  1. Create an image that is 160×128 pixels
  2. Save/Export it as a bitmap (.bmp) file
  3. Within the CPS software, select your COM port by clicking Set | Set COM
  4. Click Tool | Boot Image
  5. Click Open Image and select your file
  6. Click Write

That’s it. Here is the basic boot image that I created for my D878UV:

D878UV Boot Screen

In the File Downloads section of this site, you can download a Blank BMP image to get you started.

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2 thoughts on “Custom Anytone D878UV Boot Screen

  1. Any tips on how you got your fonts so clear? mine appear muddy.

    73s brother!

    Trey Garland N5RXZ

    1. Sorry, I just stumbled on a bunch of messages that went to Spam! I actually went to looked for “Small Fonts” to install. There are some installed by Windows/Mac as well that appear clear. I think one is even called “small font” or something similar. Also, make sure you are not starting with a large image, then resizing. Start with the actual size and then put your text on. Resizing causes a bunch of aliasing.



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