Day: May 30, 2024

Review: KO4FSZ Antennas

Initially, I had reservations about EFHW antennas and their multiband capabilities, suspecting they might be another compromise solution. However, after reading several positive reviews of Chris Hofstetter’s (KO4FSZ) antennas, I decided to try them. When I purchased the 10-40 meter version of his antenna, I was pleasantly surprised by the prompt delivery and the ease […]

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What is an EFHW Antenna?

An End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) antenna is a type of wire antenna commonly used in amateur (ham) radio. As its name suggests, it is typically a half-wavelength long at the frequency of operation and is fed at one end rather than in the center, which is more common for half-wave dipole antennas. Here are some key […]

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